
  • Asylum Application
  • Request for humanitarian consideration
  • Temporary Residence Permit
  • Request for reinstatement
  • Request for Authorization to Return to Canada


Asylum Application / Refugee

Do you have reason to fear for your life because of your race, nationality, membership in a particular social group, religion, political opinion? You meet the definition of a Convention Refugee.  We can help you. “Contact Us


Request for humanitarian consideration

Are you living in Canada with or without temporary resident status? Have you been refused refugee protection? Are you in an illegal situation? You can apply for permanent residence without having to leave Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds as set out in the Act.


Temporary Residence Permit

The Temporary Resident Permit allows a person who has been refused entry to enter or remain in Canada if they are already in Canada and there are compelling reasons to do so.


Request for reinstatement

If you have failed to apply for an extension of your temporary status in Canada, we can help you apply for restoration.


Request for Authorization to Return to Canada

If you have been issued a removal order from Canada and wish to return to Canada, you will need an Authorization to Return to Canada.


Working Holiday Program

Under the International Experience Canada (IEC) component, young people from some 60 countries can come to Canada for the purpose of travel, while having the right to work locally to finance their stay.